The Futsal Goalkeeper: What Gear Does He Need?

2 min readFeb 11, 2023


a goalkeeper

As a futsal goalkeeper, you need quite a bit of gear that not only provides protection, but also allows for quick movements and good visibility. The most important piece of equipment for a futsal goalkeeper is a good pair of gloves. These gloves should have good grip and protection, and fit comfortably so you can move your hands freely. You’ll also need to wear shin guards to protect your legs from accidental kicks and collisions. It’s important to choose shin guards that fit well and aren’t too bulky, so you can move around the court with ease.

In terms of clothing, it’s important to wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows you to move freely. A specific goalkeeper jersey is also a good idea, as it provides a clear visual difference between the keeper and the other players on the court. The jersey should fit snugly but not too tight, and provide good ventilation. Some goalkeepers also choose to wear headgear for extra protection, though this is not required. Make sure the headgear is lightweight and provides good visibility.

In addition, knee pads can be a good investment for futsal goalkeepers, as they’re often required to dive and make quick movements. Depending on your level of play and personal preferences, you may also want to bring along other padding, such as elbow or wrist pads, to protect against accidental falls and collisions. All in all, the key to having the right gear as a futsal goalkeeper is to make sure you have the essentials and consider adding extra padding for extra protection.




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